Saturday, December 09, 2006


It's stupidity that makes us dependent
On food and on water and all that darn electricity
On people to help and people to lean on
Just plain luxury makes up our artificial world
And what's going to happen when it all collapses?

It's stupidity that makes us gullable
To the government, to religion, to supposed superiors
To all the certain facts you learn in school
We just assume and let our minds play tricks on us
And what's going to happen when the apple floats upward?

It's stupidity that makes us look from the outside
At people, at fiction, at the whole wide world
At all the little situations that happen
We try to make everything black and white
And what's going to happen when we find our soulmates?

It's stupidity that makes us monsters
To the planet, to the world
Destroying everything with whatever
Why do anything if you're going to lose it all?

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