Monday, November 06, 2006


Riding bareback on my best friend Midnight
A black stallion glistening in the moonlight
I am barefoot, dressed in summer clothes
While the trees rustle and I feel the breeze's tender touch
I gallop away, away

The soft grass shuffles under our feet
The sky is old yet young, peeking through the tall trees' leaves
We are alone, Midnight and I, yet we are together
We are the only ones who understand each other inside and out
Really we are one spirit adventuring towards freedom
We gallop away, away

The serenity of the land we have found
No trees have been cut down, no human presence
It's a break from the tangled up wires and the dire bulldosers
The magic sensation running through me is pure energy
This world has no matter, it's vast and free
We gallop away, away

I am a mere runaway with what others call nothing
This land is my room
The moon is my nightlight, the grass my bed
I need no windows
Most people call it unsafe, too open
But somehow it makes me feel free

And I wish I could enjoy the magic forever
As beautiful as sunrise is, it brings sorrow
Daylight will restore and they will come looking
Those who are dying as they live
And Midnight and I will return to normal

But every moonlight the wind will rustle
The trees will sway
Magic will happen
While everyone else says sleep is necessary
Midnight and I will be there to live
And one of these nights
The most vast night of all
Daylight will never come
It will be the end of the tangled up wires and the dire bulldosers
And there we'll be
Galloping away, away

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